FCRA Registration

Overview of FCRA registration

An organization having a definite cultural, economic, educational, religious or social program shall accept foreign contribution, only after such organization obtains a certificate of registration from the Central Government.

In order to be eligible to apply for proper FCRA registration following minimum requirements must be met with:
a)    Be registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 or section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 etc.
b)    Any person making an application for registration shall have an FCRA Account i.e. a bank account with state bank of India, main branch, New Delhi. 
c)    An association should be in existence for at least 3 years and has undertaken reasonable activity in its chosen field for the benefit of the society for which the Foreign Contribution is proposed to be utilized. 
d)    An association should have spent at least Rs. 15, 00,000/- over the last 3 years on its core activities for the benefit of the society during the last three financial years.The central government in exceptional cases or in cases where the person making
      the registration application is controlled by the CG or SG may waive this condition of Rs. 15,00,000.
e)    A person making an application may also include the existing capital investments, like bank, building, vehicles, etc. in computation of its eligibility of minimum spending of Rs.15 Lakh then such person shall:
       •    Give an undertaking that the assets shall be vested henceforth with the person till the validity of the certificate.
       •    They shall be utilised only for the activities covered under the Act.
       •    The rules made thereunder and shall not be diverted for any other purpose till the validity of its certificate of registration remains valid.
f)    An association should have 12A registration certificate as well as registration certificate also.

Note: Every application seeking registration under clause (a) of sub-rule (1), made before the commencement of these rules but not disposed of, shall be considered after furnishing the details of FCRA Account.

FCRA Bank Account 

Every per seeking registration under the Act shall mandatorily open its FC designated bank account with SBI, Main Branch, New Delhi. Further, the person seeking registration has option to open one “Another FCRA Account” and one “Utilisation Account” in any PFMS compliant scheduled bank.


  • Go to Ministry of home affairs website by typing in address of web browser, http://fcraonline.nic.in
  • Create a Login ID
  • Fill form FC-3A which is a FCRA Registration Form
  • Upload required documents for registration
  • Pay Fees @ 10,000 and print the Application

Documents Required for the FCRA Registration

Following documents are necessary for the registration under FCRA such as

Name of the Document  Desired Size
Registration Certificate of Association  1 MB (PDF)
Memorandum of Association/Trust deed 5 MB(PDF)
Activity Report for the last three years 3 MB(PDF)
Audited Statement of accounts for the last 3 years 5 MB(PDF)
Associations has to upload affidavit of each key functionary 1 MB(PDF)
Chief Functionary signature (140 (Width) * 60 (Height) Pixel)  50 KB
Seal of the Association (140 (Width) * 60 (Height) Pixel)  100 KB

Sample Copy of form FC- 3A is here 

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