Intimation of change in FCRA designated bank account

For change of the bank account, an intimation is to be given online in Form FC-6C within 45 days.

Documents Required

SI. No Document Name Maximum Size Limit of PDF document
1 Self-certified copies of letter from the existing bank and the new bank regarding the change. 1 MB

Please also ready with the images of Chief Functionary signature and Seal of the Association which are saved in JPG/JPEG format and available for uploading.

Instruction for Images

1. Image Dimension of Signature should be 140(Width) * 60(Height) Pixel only.

2. Ensure that the size of the scanned signature image is not more than 50 KB.

3. Image Dimension of Seal of Association should be 140(Width) * 60(Height) Pixel only.

4. Ensure that the size of the scanned image of Seal of Association is not more than 100 KB.


Information Required for Filling Form FC-6C

  1. FCRA Registration/ Prior Permission number and date of the association
  2. Official telephone number of the association
  3. E-mail address of the association
  4. Telephone/ mobile number of the Chief Functionary of the association:
  5. Details of the new designated FC receipt-cum-utilization bank account of the association


The form also includes a declaration with effect to the following:

  1. The resolution of the governing body has been passed before effecting the changes;
  2. The Bank authorities have been duly informed about change in the designated FC receipt-cum-utilization bank account;
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