Intimation of opening of FCRA utilisation account

For opening FCRA utilization account, intimation is to be given online in form FC-6D within 45 Days.

Documents Required

SI. No Document Name  

Please ready with the image of signature of Chief Functionary and image of Seal of the Association which are saved in JPG/JPEG format and available for uploading.

Instruction for Images

1. Image Dimension of Signature should be 140(Width) * 60(Height) Pixel only.

2. Ensure that the size of the scanned signature image is not more than 50 KB.

3. Image Dimension of Seal of Association should be 140(Width) * 60(Height) Pixel only.

4. Ensure that the size of the scanned image of Seal of Association is not more than 100 KB.


Information Required for Filling Form FC-6D

  1. FCRA Registration/ Prior Permission number and date of the association
  2. Official telephone number of the association
  3. E-mail address of the association
  4. Telephone/ mobile number of the Chief Functionary of the association
  5. Name of the new bank account along with the date of opening


The form also includes a declaration with effect to the following:  

  1. The resolution of the governing body has been passed before opening of additional FC-utilization account;
  2. The Bank authorities have been duly informed about opening of additional FC-utilization account;
  3. None of the key members has been appointed in violation of sub-section (4) of section 12 of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (42 of 2010).
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